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Technically, the change is these supports are now part of the ‘Core’ budget, where previously the money was funded as part of the ‘Capacity Building’ section of a Plan.

Practically, it means that supports in employment are now more personalised and participants can now get funding for supports that may help progress their careers and lives.

To assist with this change, we have developed the Bedford Step Forward Survey, which informs future workplace goals, as well as lifestyle and community aspirations.

Scott Johnson is one of our clients working at Bedford Panorama in the Packaging department. The 48-year-old works closely with his Personnel Training Officer (PTO) Geoff Ryles, and says he appreciates his support.

“Geoff is very, very quick to checking things. If someone has a problem, whether it’s personal, or any kind of problem, he’ll get onto it straight away, and that’s what makes a great PTO, to be honest.”

Scott recently had his NDIS Plan review meeting to lock-in the new workplace supports.

“They pretty much talked about a whole new funding, how it works and that our Personnel Officers do a lot of the work behind-the-scenes.

“Other than that, nothing has really changed, so hopefully it makes life a little bit easier and gives me more security,” he said.

“They pretty much talked about a whole new funding, how it works and that our Personnel Officers do a lot of the work behind-the-scenes.

Over the coming months, every supported employee will be asked to attend a meeting with Bedford staff (PTO) and participate in the Step Forward Survey, to maximise each employee’s choice and control over their career.

“NDIS pays for my counselling, and recently I’ve been doing a Bedford CAL computer class, which I love doing. Because, there’s no way I could afford to go to TAFE, because it costs way too much money. I put that down on my NDIS Plan straight away!”

If you would like more information or help ,transitioning to Bedford’s New Employment Model, contact our helpline:
Phone: 0435 542 680 or 0435 001 85