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The north pole, a field of forests, sunset over a bustling city or the pride lands of Africa. These are some of the ideas and images swirling through Bedford team member's Josh Maloney’s mind when he starts mixing colours on a new canvas.

“No matter what he creates, it’s always animated - like a cartoon and that’s how Josh sees the world, in animation,” Mum, Sue explains.

Josh’s artistic talents were detected very early, soon after he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. First it was doodles, then drawings. By age seven he was painting entire animated story boards and pinning them on the wall. A teacher at his school recognised his ability and convinced his parents to take him to Tutti Art school.

“We don’t know where he gets it from. Certainly not his Mum or Dad. I can’t even do stick figures that well. But his creations were just amazing,” Sue said.

Now at 22, the Bedford client is turning heads in the art community and even recently held his first solo exhibition as part of the Adelaide Fringe.

“It was a good exhibition. I could do this forever,” Josh said.

They nearly missed the event, though according to father Neil.

“We were caught in traffic and running late on the opening night, so I called the organisers (Dentons law firm) and already five paintings had sold,” he said.

When they finally arrived, they were greeted by a crowd of nearly 200 people and eventually all 14 paintings sold.

“It was so good for Josh, he’s normally quite shy in social settings, but he really worked the room and talked to people,” Sue said.

Contact us today to find out how you can join Bedford art classes.