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Sandi, who looks after our Day Options at Panorama, is always trying to think of new ways to engage our clients with interesting and meaningful activities.

One of the ‘coolest’ is a community partnership between Bedford Day Options and Surf Life Saving SA that started last year.

A tailor-made program was designed to suit our clients, and ran last summer at Henley Beach LIfe Saving Club. It proved so popular that the program has been repeated this year at Grange Surf Life Saving Club in October.

Day Options clients Patrick (pictured), along with Jaiden, Liam, Rowan, Matthew, and Cameron thought this would be an amazing way to spend some of their summer last year, and they were joined by Wayne, Kate and Logan for the program this year.

The four part program being hosted by qualified instructors is held at SA Life Saving Clubs, and includes loads of fun and educational activities such as drills on the sand, relay races, body boarding and wave surfing, setting up equipment, practice rescues on the sand and riding safely on the sand buggy.

Sandi says “they’re all really keen to get into the water, to learn about safe water entry and exit, jetty safety and awareness, as well as learning patience and agility. As all Australians know, this is really important beach knowledge.”

The program also covers information about tides and rips and Jaiden told us that armed with this information he “… learned to swim between the flags and to read the waves.” Being safe makes having fun at the beach so much better.

“I like swimming, splashing around and I even did some handstands!” Jaiden said.

The participants all report a growing confidence in the water and in the waves, greater understanding of Surf Life Saving and what life savers actually do, and general safety awareness of jetty and beach walks.

I think we can safely say that the inaugural Surf Life Saving Program has been a big success, and we look forward to continue to offer this program.

We run Day Options services at our Panorama, Torrensville, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Wallaroo and Whyalla sites - and we've just opened a new location at Mount Gambier! Find out more about our Day Options Services here.

But first, check out a video of the program below!

Beautiful day on the beach! Liam (left) and Jaiden (right) posing with one of the Henley Beach Life Saving Club instructors and professional surf rescue board.