Employment Support Services
With nearly 80 years' experience, Bedford provide:
- On-the-job training and intermittent support with daily work tasks
- Direct supervision
- Group based support to enable meaningful participation at work
- Supports to manage disability related behaviour of complex needs at work
- On the job assessments
- Job customisation (or job carving)
- Non face to face activities directly related to supporting employment such as setting up work tasks/sequencing to accommodate a person’s disability and progress monitoring
- Assistance to explore transitioning from a supported employment service to alternate employment
We have experience in supporting people with a disability work in the following areas:

- Gardening
- Hospitality
- Landscape construction
- Advanced manufacturing
- Food and beverage
- Packaging and assembly
- Timber processing

- Administrative support
- Baker
- Barista
- Cleaners
- Customer service
- Horticulturalist
- Joiner
- Landscaper
- Production worker
- Team leader
How it works
To access this service, you require employment supports funding (for NDIS participants you require Supports in Employment funding in your CORE budget, we can also support self-funded clients).
Your typical pattern of support is identified based on your support needs, work tasks and average hours worked per week.
Depending on the supports you require you will receive your supports from:
- Employee Development Coordinators provide group and individual training and strengths-based approach to promote independence and maximise choice and control to people in supported employment. They provide on the job mentoring and skills development. They work with you to develop and maintain person centred profiles on how best to support you.
- Employee mentors and Job Coaches support is designed to increase your work skill independence through, hands-on training, skills identification and upskilling. They work with your employer and recommend workplace adjustments and accommodations.
- Workplace supervisors work with your employee development coordinator to complete your individual training plan, and provide work skills supervision and upskilling to achieve you workplace goals.
More details on support services and other questions you may have please refer to the
Success Stories
Boots and All Job Trial
Bedford is partnering with the iconic Australian brand, R.M. Williams in a landmark new trial to train and transition supported employees into the open employment market . - Click here to read more
Below are some of the ways Bedford supported this transition:
- Facilitated collaboration with employers and clients seeking open employment
- Job coaches provided on the job support through core NDIS funding
No Labels for James
Working at Bedford Elizabeth for around 13 years, James started with Phoenix Society before the amalgamation with Bedford. Like so many of Bedford's valued supported employees, James has shown great versatility across the many and varied types of work contracted by Bedford commercial solutions. - Click here to read more
Below are some of the ways Bedford supports its employees:
- Individual training and support to understand Standard Operating Procedures, checking for work quality, dealing with changes in the work place and coping with work pressures
- Non face to face supports include development of workplace training programs and modified work skills training, case conferences and engagement, assistance with job customisation
Expression of Interest
Bedford are looking into creating more services to help people with disability find a job, or improve their skills. Fill out the form below and let us know what sort or services you are looking for. We do not currently have any work experience or job opportunities available, but your feedback will help us to look at what sort of services we can implement to help you. If work opportunities become available they will be listed on this website under Bedford’s Careers Page. Click here to view